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Summary of changes for December 2022
- Continued UI / accessibility engineering work for a publicly traded HR software company, and some work on cookie policy updates for another global SaaS provider.
- Attended a small workshop on Web Components, and did some deep diving into algorithms and data structures (linked lists, bubble sorts, etc.) for some continuing professional development.
- Kitted out my .vimrc with some new plugins for writing. If you're interested in using vim for writing prose, check out vim-pencil and goyo.vim
- Continued my journey into learning the guitar with some lessons on the Circle of Fourths and 6-2-5-1 chord progressions. Still looking for a decent used electric guitar.
- Hosted our family for Boxing Day Christmas Brunch and went to a bunch of holiday parties. Big change from the last two years of Covid Christmases. Enjoyable but also exhausting for this introvert.
- These are the songs that carried me through December.
- All my 2022 playlist songs combined into one year-end playlist.
That's a wrap on 2022 for me. Wishing you all the very best in 2023!
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