Dark Mode
Summary of changes for October 2023
- Started work on a new contract for a Canadian provincial government to modernize their student loan application process. This is a .NET project, which takes me out of my usual React work and has me coding almost exclusively in C# to build a Blazor server application. I am accumulating a lot of knowledge of this relatively immature ecosystem, which I hope to share in a longer-form blog post one day.
- For the first time since the Covid pandemic started, I hopped on my bike and attended a tech meetup downtown. I went to the StorybookTO meetup in Toronto. A great event with great presentations on the ways organizations like Rangle.io and Wealthsimple are leveraging Storybook in their workflows. I learned a lot and met some great people and overall hope to do more meetups in the coming year.
- Stephanie Zeng from Rangle.io presented on "story-driven" development, which is an interesting variation on TDD for modern UI development.
- Seth Davenport talked about UI testing at Wealthsimple. He gave a great talk on how his teams are using Chromatic and Storybook to drive snapshot tests, a11y tests, documentation generation and test coverage, all while conceding that innovation in the tool chain matter less than innovation in the product (i.e. should be in service of the product).
- Finally, Varun Vachhar talked about using Chromatic's new Modes feature for testing. Modes sit above globals and can be used to test components in a number of different "mode" scenarios (localization, dark mode, etc.).
- I went to the premiere of The Great Canadian Baking Show new season at HotDocs. My partner, Carmen, is a photographer and she shot the cast and bakers for their various media. It was a very fun and sweet and wholesome evening.
- These were the songs that carried me through October.
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