Dark Mode
Summary of changes for November 2023
- Continued work on the modernization of a student loan application for a Canadian provincial government. The project is a .NET Blazor server application, so I've been continuing my journey in building UI in C#.
- Travelled to Chile for 10 days with my partner. We travelled to Punta Arenas and saw penguins on Magdalena Island; to Puerto Natales and day-hiked in Torres del Paine park (incl. the Mirador Las Torres hike); to San Pedro de Atacama and saw the Valle de la Luna, the El Tatio Geysers and Laguna Cejar; and to Santiago where we enjoyed the city and nearby Valparaíso. I'm hoping over the holidays to write a few longer-form posts about our experience.
- These were the songs that carried me through November.
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