March was a very busy month at work. A couple of my colleagues were away for March break and so it was just me and another teammate holding down the fort a bit, so to speak. We had a lot of fun and still a great sprint demo.
I learned this month that my current contract will be extended for another year. The project is a .NET Blazor server application, which has me building UI in C#. It's been a great learning experience for me, and is contributing to my growth as a developer. I'm feeling very grateful for the opportunity to continue working with this team.
This month marked my partner's 40th birthday. I and a couple of close friends planned a big surprise bash for her, with 65 of her closest friends and a bit of family gathered at Boxcar Social Riverside for a night of drinks, laughs and a bit of dancing.
These are the songs that we partied to, and that I listened to most in March.