Dark Mode

Nick Van Exan

Software Developer

First Fragment

An attempt to write more (by writing less)

Hello, world! This is my first fragment. What's a fragment? It's a short piece of writing that doesn't merit a longer form article.

Why did I make a separate section of my site for fragments? Good question. I recently came across @brandur's website, and was inspired by their own atoms and fragments sections. Truth is… I'm a terrible blogger. Every now and then I'm inspired to write a longer form article, usually about something technical. But often I lack time or energy for long-form writing. I still have a lot of notes, thoughts, musings, etc. that I often want to stash and share somewhere though. So my hope is by having a separate section for shorter-form snippets, I might write more, by writing less. And these fragments may help crystallize thoughts for a later longer form piece. Or they may just be like tweets. Either way, here we are.

I've decided to include fragments in my RSS feed, along with articles and changelogs. So you'll find them there. And here, of course. See you in the next one! ✌️

July's Fragments

All fragments