I continue work on the modernization of a student loan application for a Canadian provincial government. The project is a .NET Blazor server application, so I've been continuing my journey working full stack in C#.
Celebrated my in-laws' 50th wedding anniversary, and our own 10th wedding anniversary.
Celebrated my best friend's 40th birthday with a nice dinner at Grey Gardens, a gem of a restaurant tucked away in Kensington Market.
Celebrated my dad and niece's birthdays (a lot of celebrations this month!)
Spent some time in the Kawartha Lakes region visiting my parents.
Started reading A Philosophy of Software Design by John Ousterhout. It's very good, and very applicable to me now that I'm working in a C# codebase. I wish a book like this existed earlier in my career. Will post a more in-depth review about it later.
Started renting a new studio space for work. Enjoying it so far.
Work: I continue work on the modernization of a student loan application for a Canadian provincial government. The project is a .NET Blazor server application, so I've been continuing my journey developing in C#. Enjoying it.
Website: I added a new Fragments and Photos section to my website.
Another busy month at work. We pushed through some features that involved giving our users more views of their data.
Lots of social visits with family and friends. Summer social calendar is in full swing. I have a love / hate relationship with this time of year. Love the weather. Love seeing some folks. Hate feeling like every weekend is claimed for a social activity. We introverts need a bit more downtime.
Will be travelling to Hong Kong / China / Japan later this year, so started some planning for that. Feeling excited!
A month of work, mostly. I'm still working for a Canadian provincial government on a set of Blazor server applications. We passed a big feature milestone and are now moving on to some newer features, which is exciting.
Social gatherings with my parents and in-laws around Mother's day.
I continued work on the modernization of a student loan application for a Canadian provincial government. The project is a .NET Blazor server application, so I've been continuing my journey in building UI in C#. I'm feeling a lot more productive in this tech stack this month.
For some technical reasons I had to buy a Windows laptop for my contract this month. I purchased a Lenovo X1 Carbon Gen 11. I have feelings about it. I prefer linux / unix environments. And I have loved my 2021 M1 Macbook Air, as it's lightweight, performant, and I can code on battery for ~15 hours. On this Intel Windows machine, I am finding 4-6 2-4 hours is about what it can handle. Which is awful. Overall I'm happy with the development experience in Visual Studio for .NET, which I can only get on Windows, so that's been one benefit. But I can't believe how behind Intel is compared to Apple on processors. And what I really wanted was a linux-based System76 Lemur Pro . So, yeah, feelings of disappointment all round on this one I guess.
I turned 40. That fact plus my new Windows laptop has me feeling a bit like Richie from The Bear post-forks episode.
Richie from The Bear telling Sydney he wears suits now
March was a very busy month at work. A couple of my colleagues were away for March break and so it was just me and another teammate holding down the fort a bit, so to speak. We had a lot of fun and still a great sprint demo.
I learned this month that my current contract will be extended for another year. The project is a .NET Blazor server application, which has me building UI in C#. It's been a great learning experience for me, and is contributing to my growth as a developer. I'm feeling very grateful for the opportunity to continue working with this team.
This month marked my partner's 40th birthday. I and a couple of close friends planned a big surprise bash for her, with 65 of her closest friends and a bit of family gathered at Boxcar Social Riverside for a night of drinks, laughs and a bit of dancing.
These are the songs that we partied to, and that I listened to most in March.
It was a busy month of work. I continue work on the modernization of a student loan application system for a Canadian provincial government. The project is a .NET Blazor server application, so I've been continuing my journey in building UI in C#.
I wrote a blog post about my experience with Blazor so far. TLDR: it's pretty good, also I still miss JS 😄.
Continued work on the modernization of a student loan application for a Canadian provincial government. The project is a .NET Blazor server application, so I've been continuing my journey in building UI in C#.
A very busy month socially. Visits with my parents, my partner's parents, my sister's family and a bunch of close friends.
Attended a couple of my nephew's soccer games. Amazing to see the progression.
Went to the Art Gallery of Ontario to check out the KAWS:Family and Keith Haring exhibits. Delicious, both of them.
Started physio for my subluxated shoulder. Not an injury I'd recommend getting.